...Novotel Solo...

Mumpung lagi review hotel-hotel di Solo based on our experienced..., sekarang giliran Novotel Solo...

Novotel located at Jl. Slamet Riyadi 272 Solo.. It's 4 star with 141 rooms available.
You can do the reservation through email : reservation@novotelsolo.com or just dial +62 271 724555, otherwise you are welcome to fax your reservation to +62 271 724666.

It's too bad that we don't have our camera with us during our stayed. But as far as I remembered we stayed at Novotel Solo twice.
It's strategic area makes this hotel become one of the popular hotel in Solo. It is reachable with any kind of transportation (bus, car, hotel shuttle, motorcycle, or even becak).

It's not a kind of 'natural view' hotel like Lor In, but let me share our experienced.

Let's start with the building :
You can see a nice and desent building, a mixed of modern and etnic touch in this hotel. The room is in avarage size (I can't say too big neither too small). It's clean.
The bathroom is clean too *just love taking a long and relaxing bath in a clean bathroom - haven't I told you that I'm a neat freek? hehehehe*
The mini bar is fine for me...

The restaurant :
They called it Andrawina Restourant.
It served a tasty traditional food like nasi liwet, gado-gado (javanese salad), and so on.
Besides of those traditional items, you will find western and chinese cuisine. They used to have pool view rastourant, but since the pool moved to the south side of the hotel, it feels just a dinning area for me...

The bar :
Saraswati, it's open from 18.00 to 01.00 wib

The kid's club :
hey...they have Dolphin Kids Club... So, there will be no boring time for children.

Swimming pool :
Outdoor unheated pool...
But for telling you the truth, I like their old pool, the one that located near the restaurant.
They have their new pool just at the south side at the hotel right now. *just too hot for me...me love trees*

Services :
I found friendly atmosphere here... Two thumbs up!

And the rest is, just like the other 'star' hotel... They have sauna, spa, fitness centre and more.

Writting about hotels in Solo makes me fly far far away...
*pengen balik lagi qiqiqiqi*

o ye, satu lagi...
Sekarang di sisi utara ada hotel Ibis (sayang belum sempet nginep disitu jadi ga bisa bikin review)... Publish rate nya hampir sama kayak Novotel.
Kalau mau ambil yang agak murce, di sebelah Ibis ada juga Grand Orchids hotel.. Tapi di sindang ga ada pool dan temen-temennya...
IMHO, cukup lah kalo cuman buat bobo'an... *iiissshhh..bencong tas ngomong*