...dear sister...
Sunday, February 21, 2010 by Widi Utama Family

Love me tender,
Love me sweet,
Never let me go.
You have made my life complete,
And I love you so.
Love me tender,
Love me true,
All my dreams fulfilled.
For my darlin’ I love you,
And I always will.
Love me tender,
Love me long,
Take me to your heart.
For it’s there that I belong,
And we’ll never part.
Love me tender,
Love me dear,
Tell me you are mine.
I’ll be yours through all the years,
Till the end of time.
(when at last my dreams come true
Darling this I know
Happiness will follow you
Everywhere you go).
Dear sister,
May it always inspire you to be kind in your words, considerate of feelings, and concerned for
each other's needs and wishes.
May it help you to be understanding and forgiving of human weaknesses and failings.
Increase your faith and trust and may God prudence guide your life and love.
May God bless your marriage, with peace and happiness, and make your love fruitful
both here and in eternity.
Sowri yo sis, pic mu yg aq up load pic yg pas istirahat hihihi...lha klo pas mau copy pics yg lain lali trs je hehehehe....
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amin.... ini Papanya Lintang...