Wednesday, August 1, 2012 by Widi Utama Family
What a word...!
Sometimes we take that 'happiness' word just for granted... Sometimes I...me myself, ignore the truly meaning of it.
Today, my former CEO wrote these note : 'Happiness is a choice we must make, not a dream we shall fake'
I've been downed for this recent 3 days, for unnecessary reason indeed. Only God knows why (and myself of course). I cried for something (or someone?) that really really not that important... Well, at least that's what I feel now...
But hey...! Those words awaken me...
Happiness will not come to us if we don't fight for it... Happiness is not a gift... Happiness is something we earned :)
So, being happy is not depending on other person, being happy is not because another things beside our own. Being happy is all about our self...
Nothing should effected our mood... We're the one who should ruled our live, not another person or situations...
Well... I'll try...
I'll try to be happy always no matter what...
Ps :
I don't think that I have anything to be complained actually... I have everything just perfect... So? *I must be really crazy these recent few days, then....

I don't think that I have anything to be complained actually... I have everything just perfect... So? *I must be really crazy these recent few days, then....